Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Going Crazy....

These past couple days have been so crazy for me! I just so wish I had batteries in my camera to just show the evidence. Everything that belongs in my living room is in my kitchen, some of it is in my daughters room, all getting ready for the carpet layers to come today and lay our new carpet, and oh by the way, this carper it BEAUTIFUL!!! Anyways, then on top of that, I have a garage sale to get ready for....which in normal circumstances isn't so bad, but I've gotten box on top of box in the shop from when we moved from Ft Smith in August..... OMG!!!! The kids aren't much of a help, they are rummaging through boxes, grabbing this or that, remembering some memory and insisting on keeping it, at this rate there may not be a garage sale! LOL! So to all my fellow bloggers, wish me luck on this crazy day..... I'll probably need major therapy by tomorrow!! Huggs & Kisses!!!!!


  1. BTW, I made a couple of grammatical errors... pardon me, just more evidence that i'm not in my right mind!!!! LOL!!!!!

  2. It will all work it self out Krista .. We all have had one of them days.. What is wrong with you go out and get some batteries and get them in your camera we wanna all see this big mess that you say is driving you crazy.. Oh and as for the yard sale just stick the kids in there and say hey I sell you or the stuff lol only joking.. LOL! LOL! Ok well you have to go and read my last blog and follow along like eveyone else.Later have a good day today!

  3. Can't wait to see your new carpet. We are in BAD need of new carpet. We're in the midst of potty training our last child. No way we're redoing the floors before that is accomplished, though! :)
