Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful for....

Things I Am Thankful for....
*my mom
*my sisters, Sonya & April
*My nephew & niece (Landen, Garrin, Brit)
*My health
*My ability to love deeply!
*knowing my father is not worth missing
*not holding grudges
*anything pink
*my chi
*garage sales! lol
*RL Saturday Jeans!!!!
*living each day to its fullest


  1. I love alot of these answers girl like anything pink and also facebook couldn't live with out that and ebay a must for sure God is awesome!! and then there is texting I am getting pretty good at that let's see what else is there that you said umm CHI that is a must have..ability to love deeply I love my husband and family and friends love love love ya girl I am glad that no matter what happens we have a good friendship and I am glad that I do not hold grudges either or you would be in BIG TROUBLE some time!!
